[Chartjs]-Chart.js โ€“ how to disable everything on hover



You can try

 showTooltips: false

You can also use the following link



In order to remove all hover styles/tooltips from vanilla chart.js:

var myChart = new Chart(canvas, {
    options: {
        tooltips: {enabled: false},
        hover: {mode: null},

Chart.js is watching all mousemove events on the canvas within which it has instantiated your chart. Setting hover โ€˜modeโ€™ to null seems to override all the ways the canvas looks for matching elements to assign activated :hover classes to.

The tooltip event seems separate, so I had to use both lines to make the chart effectively static.

Note, initial animations still work on a chart with these options.

UPDATE: newest Chart.js has re-bundled the way hover is โ€˜listenedโ€™ for:

var myChart = new Chart(canvas, {
    options: {
        events: []

Making the โ€˜eventsโ€™ option an empty list (instead of ['click', 'hover', etc]) makes the chart blind'/static because it will be listening for no events.


just use

options: {
        events: ["mousemove", "mouseout", "click", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"],

just remove one of them, which you want to remove.

options: {
        events: ["mouseout", "click", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"],


Thereโ€™s another option:

        states: {
            hover: {
                filter: {
                    type: 'none',


As of 2020

Simply put tooltips: false in your options object


You can try the following:

const options = {


In my case, I needed to disable only the hover background color changing, maintaining tooltips

    options: {
    hover: {mode: null},

if you donโ€™t need tooltips you can choose this option

    options: {
    tooltips: {enabled: false},
    hover: {mode: null},


If what you want is prevent any effect when hovering the mouse over any series, you should disable tooltip and hover state. You can do it like this:

$(function () {

    Highcharts.chart('container', {
        plotOptions: {
        	series: {
            states: {
                      hover: {
                          enabled: false

        tooltip: {
            enabled: false

        series: [{
            data: [29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]
#reporting {
    position: absolute; 
    top: 55px; 
    right: 20px; 
    font: 12px Arial, Verdana; 
    color: #666;
    background: white;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>

<div id="container" style="height: 300px; min-width: 300px"></div>
<div id="reporting"></div>

(Template taken from Highcharts documentation).

Hope it helps ๐Ÿ™‚

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