Reverse the data sorting
This is not an answer specifically on how to animate the ChartJs anti-clockwise, but i think it’ll solve your problem.
I had an issue where I wanted to show one Bar chart and one Pie chart with the same data, and the Bar chart had to be sorted by number (greater to smaller). This is what I got, firstly:
But, as you can see, because the Pie chart is animated clockwised, the ‘order’ of the data differs from the Bar chart to the Pie chart. In the Bar chart, I had Blue, Red and Yellow, and in the Pie chart, visually speaking, I had Yellow, Red and Blue.
What I did was, after generating the Bar chart, reversing the labels, data and colors arrays. See:
var backgroundColors = [bgColor1, bgColor2, ...];
var borderColors = [bdColor1, bdColor2, ...];
dataArrayReversed = dataArray.reverse();
labelsArrayReversed = labelsArray.reverse();
backgroundColorsReversed = backgroundColors.slice(0, dataArray.length).reverse();
borderColorsReversed = borderColors.slice(0, dataArray.length).reverse();
Also, you’ll need to reverse the legend order in the chart declaration, so it stays ordered:
var pieChart = new Chart(ctxPie, {
type: 'pie',
data: {
labels: labelsArrayReversed,
datasets: [
data: dataArrayReversed,
backgroundColor: backgroundColorsReversed,
borderColors: borderColorsReversed,
borderWidth: 2
options: {
legend: { reverse: true }
The animation is clockwise, but the visual effect is correct.
It’s the same for doughnut charts.