[Chartjs]-Chart.js Custom parsing with floating bar chart


I think you could change "yAxisKey" to "xAxisKey" because it’s horizontal bar (indexAxis: "y").

Furthermore you could add the "y" value to your data with the label instead to use labels (see chartjs doc: https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/general/data-structures.html#parsing).


      datasets: [
              data: [
                      y: "Uwe Austermühle",
                      range: [1,2],
                      annotation: 'test'
                      y: "Helmar Conradi",
                      range: [5,6],
                      annotation: 'test'
                      y: "Gero Dippel",
                      range: [7,8],
                      annotation: 'test'
              barPercentage: 0.5,
              backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.8)",
              parsing: {
                xAxisKey: 'range'
  options: {
    indexAxis: 'y',


@user2057925’s answer is perfectly right, as well as @Hafnernuss
comment, and unless there’s a deep reason behind this (which
I fail to imagine – please let me know) it qualifies as a bug: labels in bar chart are ignored if data is specified through an object.

I certainly don’t recommend the following as a feasible solution to
the case in question, but since it may be helpful in the future to
address this issue, I’d mention that it can
be solved (patched) in the source code,
if BarController#parseObjectData
does the same as the BarController#parseArrayAndPrimitive
that is, add an || iScale.parse(labels[i], i) so it uses the
labels if the yAxisKey (or xAxisKey) way fails. So the
patched BarController#parseObjectData could look like:

    parseObjectData(meta, data, start, count) {
        const {iScale, vScale} = meta;
        const {xAxisKey = 'x', yAxisKey = 'y'} = this._parsing;
        const iAxisKey = iScale.axis === 'x' ? xAxisKey : yAxisKey;
        const vAxisKey = vScale.axis === 'x' ? xAxisKey : yAxisKey;
        const parsed = [];
        const labels = iScale.getLabels();
        let i, ilen, item, obj;
        for (i = start, ilen = start + count; i < ilen; ++i) {
            obj = data[i];
            item = {};
            item[iScale.axis] = iScale.parse(resolveObjectKey(obj, iAxisKey) || labels[i], i);
            parsed.push(parseValue(resolveObjectKey(obj, vAxisKey), item, vScale, i));
        return parsed;

Again, not as practical solution, but as a proof of concept,
here’s a replit
with it working as @Hafnernuss rightfully
expected it to.

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