Chartjs-Chart cannot read multiple datasets from the back-end (single data is fine)



I could find the solution. Have a look at this link. I defined my variable as below (this solved all the errors I mentioned above):

private test2: any[] = [{ data: [] }];

also, I changes the location of calling the barChartData.

First, in export class:

public barChartData;

then, inside my function that calls the backend data:

this.barChartData = [
            {data: this.test2, label: 'Data 1'},
            {data: this.test3, label: 'Data 2'}

This worked for me.


You are inserting data dynamically so you need to make an update on change. You will need ChangeDetectorRef for this. Do the following steps:

1) Add this in your imports:

import { ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

2) Add this in the constructor:

private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef

3) After changing the data do this:


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