Canvas to PDF with selected DPI using chart.js and html2pdf.js
To change the output resolution for the canvas in the PDF you need to set the DIP
From memory a A4 is ~11+ inch across in landscape and you want to fit 2000 pixels, So let have a margin total of 1+inch making the width of the graph 10". We can use the CSS unit size of points (72 points per inch) so the canvas size should be 72pt * 10" = 720pt across. Scale the height by the same amount.
Now to get the DPI divide the canvas.width by the size 2000 / 10 = 200.
But I am assuming you want higher than that. So let’s do it more accurately.
const A4 = { // looked this up with google
width : 11.69,
height : 8.27,
// using pts and inches (I dont like using CSS inches)
const points = 72; // points per inch
const graphWidth = 10; // in inches on the page.
const graphDPI = 300; // desired DPI
const aspect = 492/2000; // aspect of image
function generate_pdf(){
var canvas = document.getElementById('blanks_graph');
canvas.width = graphWidth * graphDPI;
canvas.height = Math.floor(canvas.width * aspect);
canvas.style.width = (graphWidth * points) + "pt";
canvas.style.height = Math.floor(graphWidth * points * aspect)+"pt";
// add left margin to center graph.
// you should remove the button and maybe put a margin on the top of
// the canvas
canvas.style.marginLeft = Math.floor(((A4.width - graphWidth) / 2) * points) + "pt"
// changing the size needs to redraw the canvas
// the graph is drawn via a timeout event so will not be ready untill
// after this function is done. Also there is the animation to avoid
// So easy way is to just create the PDF with a timeout
var element = document.getElementById('main_data_div');
html2pdf(element, {
margin: 0,
filename: 'myfile.pdf',
image: { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
html2canvas: { dpi: graphDPI, letterRendering: true },
jsPDF: { unit: 'in', format: 'a4', orientation: 'l' }
3000 // 3 seconds to redraw and animate.
function redrawGraph(){ // redraws the graph
// just wrap this function around the graph draw code