Chartjs-Changing size of the canvas makes it blurry


Canvas to PDF with selected DPI using chart.js and html2pdf.js

To change the output resolution for the canvas in the PDF you need to set the DIP

From memory a A4 is ~11+ inch across in landscape and you want to fit 2000 pixels, So let have a margin total of 1+inch making the width of the graph 10". We can use the CSS unit size of points (72 points per inch) so the canvas size should be 72pt * 10" = 720pt across. Scale the height by the same amount.

Now to get the DPI divide the canvas.width by the size 2000 / 10 = 200.

But I am assuming you want higher than that. So let’s do it more accurately.

const A4 = {  // looked this up with google
    width : 11.69,
    height : 8.27,
// using pts and inches (I dont like using CSS inches)
const points = 72; // points per inch
const graphWidth = 10; // in inches on the page.
const graphDPI = 300; // desired DPI
const aspect = 492/2000; // aspect of image

function generate_pdf(){
    var canvas = document.getElementById('blanks_graph');
    canvas.width = graphWidth * graphDPI;
    canvas.height = Math.floor(canvas.width * aspect); = (graphWidth * points) + "pt"; = Math.floor(graphWidth * points * aspect)+"pt";
    // add left margin to center graph.
    // you should remove the button and maybe put a margin on the top of
    // the canvas = Math.floor(((A4.width - graphWidth) / 2) * points) + "pt"
    // changing the size needs to redraw the canvas
    // the graph is drawn via a timeout event so will not be ready untill
    // after this function is done. Also there is the animation to avoid
    // So easy way is to just create the PDF with a timeout
        var element = document.getElementById('main_data_div');
        html2pdf(element, {
            margin:       0,
            filename:     'myfile.pdf',
            image:        { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
            html2canvas:  { dpi: graphDPI, letterRendering: true },
            jsPDF:        { unit: 'in', format: 'a4', orientation: 'l' }
        3000 // 3 seconds to redraw and animate.

function redrawGraph(){ // redraws the graph
                        // just wrap this function around the graph draw code

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