Chartjs-Cannot read properties of null (reading 'labels')


You don’t have a labels array, in your data object you have a datasets key and a lables key, this last one is wrong, it is supposed to be labels. If you change it to that it will work:

const [chartData, setChartData] = useState({
  labels: dates,
  datasets: [{
    label: "value of BTC in ILS",
    data: coinValue,
    backgroundColor: 'gold'

Same for the lable key in the dataset, it is supposed to be label


You are writing the spelling of label and labels incorrect, it should be label rather than lable and labels rather than lables. And what other thing I would suggest is wrap you Line component in an condition, like

...other code

{ dates.length > 0 && 
  <Line data = {chartData} />

...other code

This would simply wait for the api call and the dates state to change.

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