I had to remove all of the Angular/Typescript stuff, but you should be able to run the below code and paste the output into a graphing program and verify it. What Iโm doing is calculating the angle required to travel the distance input, then calculating the x and y vectors of the initial velocity. Then you can just multiply those by a timestep to get points that you can plot. If you want more granular points, just increase the step variable.
const calcTrajectory = (distance, height, velocity)=> {
// get target distance - passed in
// get launch angle to hit target at that distance
let x = distance;
let y = height;
let g = 10.733; // gravity in yds
let v = velocity / 3; // velocity in yds
let angle = Math.asin((x*g)/(v*v));
let step = 100;
let xVelocity = v * Math.cos(angle);
let yVelocity = v * Math.sin(angle)
// graph x y coords based on target distance, launch angle, and bullet drop
let data = {x:[], y:[]}
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let time = (i / step);
data.y.push(time* yVelocity)
yVelocity -= (g/step)
calcTrajectory(250, 0, 2024.43)