[Chartjs]-Blazor server-side Chartjs


I had the same problem for a long time. I finally found that I needed to clear the dataset and add the new data back into a new dataset, then update the chart.

I am clearing the data set with:


Then I create a new version as below:

TempProductionLineTotal = SqlProdData.GetProductionTotals(searchDate[0], searchDate[1]);

_productionDataSet = new LineDataset<TimeTuple<int>>   
    BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(System.Drawing.Color.Orange),
    BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(System.Drawing.Color.Orange),
    Label = "Daily Total",
    Fill = false,
    BorderWidth = 2,
    PointRadius = 1,
    PointBorderWidth = 2,
    SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False,
    Hidden = false,
    LineTension = 0.0

_productionDataSet.AddRange(TempProductionLineTotal.Select(p =>
    new TimeTuple<int>(new Moment(p.DateNTime), Convert.ToInt32(p.Daily_Lineal))));


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