Chartjs-Blank Canvas with labels at the top with strikethrough on them when using chart.js pie chart


If it helps anyone else, the solution was to put the colors into the PHP while loop so that when the chart_Data is inserted into the the javascript part, it already contains the color instructions in the correct format.

        //the relevant part of the PHP code
        // define an array of colors
        $colors = array(
            'rgba(76, 18, 161, 1)', 
            'rgba(229, 0, 109, 1)', 
            'rgba(205, 216, 223, 1)', 
            'rgba(76, 18, 161, 0.8)', 
            'rgba(229, 0, 109, 0.8)', 
            'rgba(205, 216, 223, 0.8)', 
            'rgba(76, 18, 161, 0.6)', 
            'rgba(229, 0, 109, 0.6)', 
            'rgba(205, 216, 223, 0.6)', 
            'rgba(76, 18, 161, 0.4)', 
            'rgba(229, 0, 109, 0.4)', 
            'rgba(205, 216, 223, 0.4)', 
            'rgba(76, 18, 161, 0.2)', 
            'rgba(229, 0, 109, 0.2)', 
            'rgba(205, 216, 223, 0.2)'

        // set a counter variable for cycling through the colors array
        $color_counter = 0;

        // create an empty array to hold the chart data
        $data = array('labels' => array(), 'datasets' => array(array('data' => array())));

        // loop through the result and add the data to the chart array
        while ($GetFormPopularityRow = $GetFormPopularityResult->fetch_assoc()) {
            $data['labels'][] = $GetFormPopularityRow['form_name'];
            $data['datasets'][0]['data'][] = $GetFormPopularityRow['num_rows'];
            $data['datasets'][0]['backgroundColor'][] = $colors[$color_counter % count($colors)];

And the bit where we use the chart_data in the javascript

var ctx = document.getElementById('popforms').getContext('2d');
                var popforms = new Chart(ctx, {
                    type: 'pie',
                    data: chart_data,
                    options: {
                        responsive: true

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