Chartjs-Average 2 Keys in ChartJS


So I thought it would be easier just to reduce the array down myself and provide that as the dataset for ChartJS, i’ll leave the code below for anyone in a similar position. It makes use of a React hook to update whenever the actual dataset is updated:

 * When the metric values have been updated
useEffect(() => {
     * Init a new object to store the values in
    let sorted = {};
     * Loop through all the metric values that were added
    metricValues.forEach((value) => {
         * If we already have a copy of it in the new object
        if (sorted[`${value.x}`]) {
             * Push the value onto the array
            sorted[`${value.x}`] = [...sorted[`${value.x}`], value.y];
        } else {
             * Otherwise just set it as the first value
            sorted[`${value.x}`] = [value.y];
     * Init a new array to hold the reduced data
    let reducedData = [];
     * Loop through each of the now sorted values
    Object.entries(sorted).forEach((dataPoint) => {
         * Get the records array, holding the values to be averaged
        const dateRecords = dataPoint[1];
         * Make a sum of all the records
        const recordsSum = dateRecords.reduce((a, b) => parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b), 0);
         * Then find the avaerage
        const recordsAvg = parseFloat(recordsSum / dateRecords.length).toFixed(2);
         * Push this new reduced version of the metric records to our local array
        reducedData = [...reducedData, { x: `${dataPoint[0]}`, y: recordsAvg }];
     * Push the complete reduced array into the local state
}, [metricValues]);

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