Chartjs-Attach data to label (Chart.js & Django 3)


So I’ve managed to get it solved.

The difference here is, that we’re looping through the months, and then we set them to 0, before we loop through to check, if there is data in the different months. This will return 0, when there is nothing in it, instead of leave it out, which will result the data’s space to be taken by the following month.

Here is the final result:

from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response

from accounts.models import Account

class SalesExpensesChart(APIView):
    View to list all sales and expenses.

    * Requires session authentication.
    * Only the users own data is visible to the user authenticated.
    authentication_classes = [SessionAuthentication]
    permission_classes = []

    def get(self, request, format=None):
        # Variables for object calls
        user = Account.objects.get(email=request.user)
        invoices = user.invoice.all()
        expenses_to_pay = user.expenses_to_pay.all()
        expenses_paid = user.expenses_paid.all()

        # Set all months to 0 - This is done to show them at the right label
        total_earn_month = {}
        total_etp_month = {}
        total_ep_month = {}
        for month in range(0, 12):
            total_earn_month[month] = 0
            total_etp_month[month] = 0
            total_ep_month[month] = 0

        # Get total earnings in the different months (month: 1-12)
        for invoice in invoices:
            invoice_month = invoice.created_at.month
            total_earn_month[invoice_month-1] +=

        # Get total expenses to pay in the different months (month: 1-12)
        for expense in expenses_to_pay:
            etp_month = expense.invoice_date.month
            total_etp_month[etp_month-1] += expense.price

        # Get total expenses to pay in the different months (month: 1-12)
        for expense in expenses_paid:
            ep_month = expense.purchase_date.month
            total_ep_month[ep_month-1] += expense.price

        # add the two dicts for the two different expenses to one dict
        total_expenses = {k: total_ep_month.get(k, 0) + total_etp_month.get(k, 0)
                          for k in set(total_ep_month.keys()) | set(total_etp_month.keys())}

        # Get labels
        labels = ['January',

        # Pack values to pass them to the template
        sales = total_earn_month.values()

        return Response({
            'labels': labels,
            'sales': sales,
            'total_expenses': total_expenses.values()

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