So I’ve managed to get it solved.
The difference here is, that we’re looping through the months, and then we set them to 0
, before we loop through to check, if there is data in the different months. This will return 0
, when there is nothing in it, instead of leave it out, which will result the data’s space to be taken by the following month.
Here is the final result:
from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from accounts.models import Account
class SalesExpensesChart(APIView):
View to list all sales and expenses.
* Requires session authentication.
* Only the users own data is visible to the user authenticated.
authentication_classes = [SessionAuthentication]
permission_classes = []
def get(self, request, format=None):
# Variables for object calls
user = Account.objects.get(email=request.user)
invoices = user.invoice.all()
expenses_to_pay = user.expenses_to_pay.all()
expenses_paid = user.expenses_paid.all()
# Set all months to 0 - This is done to show them at the right label
total_earn_month = {}
total_etp_month = {}
total_ep_month = {}
for month in range(0, 12):
total_earn_month[month] = 0
total_etp_month[month] = 0
total_ep_month[month] = 0
# Get total earnings in the different months (month: 1-12)
for invoice in invoices:
invoice_month = invoice.created_at.month
total_earn_month[invoice_month-1] += invoice.total
# Get total expenses to pay in the different months (month: 1-12)
for expense in expenses_to_pay:
etp_month = expense.invoice_date.month
total_etp_month[etp_month-1] += expense.price
# Get total expenses to pay in the different months (month: 1-12)
for expense in expenses_paid:
ep_month = expense.purchase_date.month
total_ep_month[ep_month-1] += expense.price
# add the two dicts for the two different expenses to one dict
total_expenses = {k: total_ep_month.get(k, 0) + total_etp_month.get(k, 0)
for k in set(total_ep_month.keys()) | set(total_etp_month.keys())}
# Get labels
labels = ['January',
# Pack values to pass them to the template
sales = total_earn_month.values()
return Response({
'labels': labels,
'sales': sales,
'total_expenses': total_expenses.values()