Chartjs-Angular 5 reset chart js bar in same component


You have to get the 2d context.

Template :

<div class="chart-container" fxFlex="80">
      <canvas id="currency"></canvas>


  private displayCurrencyGraph(currencyEntry: CurrencyEntry) {
    const currencyCanvas: any = document.getElementById('currency');
    const currencyCanvasContext = currencyCanvas.getContext('2d');
    ChartBuilder.buildChartLine(currencyCanvasContext, );


static buildChartLine(canvasContext, data){
    new Chart(canvasContext, {
      type: 'line',
      data: {data} 

From your code, you are missing getContext('2d') call from your canvas. If you add that, it should work.

You must call destroy() method on context and then assign new dataset.

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