You already answered it yourself more or less. All you need to do is insert the values. We had to work on a similar task a few years back – Windhager Brennstoff Barometer.
Here is the code as reference – it should help you applying the same principle on whatever task you working on:
class FuelBarometersController < ApplicationController
def show
# Austria
@austria = FuelBarometer.where("custom_country_id = ?", 1).order(date_entered: :asc)
# Germany
@germany = FuelBarometer.where("custom_country_id = ?", 2).order(date_entered: :asc)
# Swiss
@swiss = FuelBarometer.where("custom_country_id = ?", 3).order(date_entered: :asc)
# France
@france = FuelBarometer.where("custom_country_id = ?", 4).order(date_entered: :asc)
@custom_countries = CustomCountry.where("barometer = ?", true).order(id: :asc)
add_breadcrumb t('breadcrumb.home'), :welcome_path, :title => t('breadcrumb.home-title')
add_breadcrumb t('mainnav.useful_information'), :knowledge_path, :options => { :title => t('mainnav.useful_information') }
add_breadcrumb t('side_menus.knowledge_box.barometer'), :knowledge_barometer_path, :options => { :title => t('side_menus.knowledge_box.barometer') }
And the corresponding view ( ignore all the clutter – it was a rushed implementation – you get the idea ):
- tg_at = ((@austria.last.gas - @austria.offset(1).last.gas)/@austria.offset(1).last.gas)
- to_at = ((@austria.last.heizoel - @austria.offset(1).last.heizoel)/@austria.offset(1).last.heizoel)
- tp_at = ((@austria.last.pellets - @austria.offset(1).last.pellets)/@austria.offset(1).last.pellets)
- tg_de = ((@germany.last.gas - @germany.offset(1).last.gas)/@germany.offset(1).last.gas)
- to_de = ((@germany.last.heizoel - @germany.offset(1).last.heizoel)/@germany.offset(1).last.heizoel)
- tp_de = ((@germany.last.pellets - @germany.offset(1).last.pellets)/@germany.offset(1).last.pellets)
- tg_ch = ((@swiss.last.gas - @swiss.offset(1).last.gas)/@swiss.offset(1).last.gas)
- to_ch = ((@swiss.last.heizoel - @swiss.offset(1).last.heizoel)/@swiss.offset(1).last.heizoel)
- tp_ch = ((@swiss.last.pellets - @swiss.offset(1).last.pellets)/@swiss.offset(1).last.pellets)
- tg_fr = ((@france.last.gas - @france.offset(1).last.gas)/@france.offset(1).last.gas)
- to_fr = ((@france.last.heizoel - @france.offset(1).last.heizoel)/@france.offset(1).last.heizoel)
- tp_fr = ((@france.last.pellets - @france.offset(1).last.pellets)/@france.offset(1).last.pellets)
/ Setting default value for select
- default_value = 0
- if I18n.locale == :at
- default_value = 1
- elsif I18n.locale == :de
- default_value = 2
- elsif (I18n.locale == :ch_de) || (I18n.locale == :ch_fr)
- default_value = 3
- elsif (I18n.locale == :fr) || (I18n.locale == :int_fr)
/ Default value has been changed from 4 to 1 since france is no longer available
- default_value = 1
- else
- default_value = 1
- myBackground = image_path "headers/" + device_type.to_s + "/blank_header.jpg"
.container.responsive-header{:style => "background: url(" + myBackground + ")"}
- if browser.ie8? || browser.ie7?
%h2.blank_message= t('general.old-browser-message')
- else
/ Display the homepage carousel
%h2= t('fuel_barometers.show.pick-your-country')
= select_tag "list", options_from_collection_for_select(@custom_countries, "id", "name", default_value), :class => "form-control"
%h2= t('fuel_barometers.show.price-tendency')
= t('fuel_barometers.form.gas')
%p.big_number.gas{:id => "i_gas"}
%p.big_number.gas{:id => "a_gas"}
= t('fuel_barometers.form.heizoel')
%p.big_number.heizoel{:id => "i_heizoel"}
%p.big_number.heizoel{:id => "a_heizoel"}
= t('fuel_barometers.form.pellets')
%p.big_number.pellets{:id => "i_pellets"}
%p.big_number.pellets{:id => "a_pellets"}
%canvas#teaser4{:height => ((device_type == :desktop) ? "310" : "610"), :width => "818"}
%p.source{:id => "source"}
= render 'side_menus/knowledge_box'
= t('.content_html')
- if I18n.locale == :at
= render "shared/pellets_supplier"
/ Create Labels for Austria
- a_at = []
- g_at = []
- o_at = []
- p_at = []
- @austria.each do |at|
- a_at << at.date_entered.strftime('%-m.%Y')
- g_at << at.gas
- o_at << at.heizoel
- p_at << at.pellets
/ Create Labels for Germany
- d_de = []
- g_de = []
- o_de = []
- p_de = []
- @germany.each do |de|
- d_de << de.date_entered.strftime('%-m.%Y')
- g_de << de.gas
- o_de << de.heizoel
- p_de << de.pellets
/ Create Labels for Swiss
- c_ch = []
- g_ch = []
- o_ch = []
- p_ch = []
- @swiss.each do |ch|
- c_ch << ch.date_entered.strftime('%-m.%Y')
- g_ch << ch.gas
- o_ch << ch.heizoel
- p_ch << ch.pellets
/ Create Labels for France
- f_fr = []
- g_fr = []
- o_fr = []
- p_fr = []
- @france.each do |fr|
- f_fr << fr.date_entered.strftime('%-m.%Y')
- g_fr << fr.gas
- o_fr << fr.heizoel
- p_fr << fr.pellets
var selVal = $("#list").val();
var source = document.getElementById("source");
if (selVal == 1) {
teaser4 = {
labels : [#{a_at.join(', ')}],
datasets : [
label: "Gas",
fillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)",
strokeColor: "rgba(0,148,220,1)",
pointColor: "rgba(0,148,220,1)",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(0,148,220,1)",
data : [#{g_at.join(',')}]
label: "Heizöl",
fillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)",
strokeColor: "rgba(222, 0, 24, 1)",
pointColor: "rgba(222, 0, 24, 1)",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(222, 0, 24, 1)",
data : [#{o_at.join(',')}]
label: "Pellets",
fillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)",
strokeColor: "rgba(82, 181, 23, 1)",
pointColor: "rgba(82, 181, 23, 1)",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(82, 181, 23, 1)",
data : [#{p_at.join(',')}]
var element = document.getElementById("i_gas");
element.innerHTML = #{'%.2f' % tg_at};
var element = document.getElementById("a_gas");
if (#{tg_at} < 0)
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-down fa-2x\"></i>";
else if (#{tg_at} > 0)
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-up fa-2x\"></i>";
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-right fa-2x\"></i>";
var element = document.getElementById("i_pellets");
element.innerHTML = #{'%.2f' % tp_at};
var element = document.getElementById("a_pellets");
if (#{tp_at} < 0)
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-down fa-2x\"></i>";
else if (#{tp_at} > 0)
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-up fa-2x\"></i>";
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-right fa-2x\"></i>";
var element = document.getElementById("i_heizoel");
element.innerHTML = #{'%.2f' % to_at};
var element = document.getElementById("i_heizoel");
element.innerHTML = #{'%.2f' % to_at};
var element = document.getElementById("a_heizoel");
if (#{to_at} < 0)
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-down fa-2x\"></i>";
else if (#{to_at} > 0)
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-up fa-2x\"></i>";
element.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-circle-right fa-2x\"></i>";
source.innerHTML = "<p><em>Quelle: proPellets Austria; Bezugswert für die Berechnung ist der Heizwert der Energieträger, Wirkungsgrade der Heizsysteme nicht berücksichtigt</em></p>"
} else if (selVal == 2) {
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