Changing the background color of uitableviewheaderfooterview is not supported. use the background view configuration instead.

Sure, here’s an example of how you can format the answer as HTML content in a div:


The background color of UITableViewHeaderFooterView is not directly supported. Instead, you can use the background view configuration to set the background color of the header and footer views in a UITableView.

To set the background color using the background view configuration, you can create a custom view with the desired background color and assign it to the backgroundView property of the UITableViewHeaderFooterView. Here’s an example:

      // Create a custom view with the desired background color
      UIView *headerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, tableView.bounds.size.width, 50)];
      headerView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
      // Set the custom view as the background view of the header view
      headerView.backgroundView = headerView;


In this example, we create a custom view called `headerView` with a blue background color. Then, we assign this custom view to the `backgroundView` property of the `UITableViewHeaderFooterView`. This will effectively set the background color of the header view to blue.

You can use a similar approach to set the background color of the footer view in a `UITableView`.

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