[Vuejs]-Changing style of map elements dynamically


The following doesn’t offer a solution to the specific problem of styling a Tangram map on the fly (which Yaml doesn’t seem to easily allow), but it partially answers the question of how to style map vectors dynamically. It implements the plugin Leaflet.VectorGrid and assigns properties to layers programmatically through the vectorTileLayerStyles method (accomplished in the example below with color: self.colors[6]).

        L.vectorGrid.slicer(countries, {
        rendererFactory: L.svg.tile,
        vectorTileLayerStyles: {
            sliced: function() {
                return {
                stroke: true,
                color: self.colors[6],
                weight: 0.5,

The variable countries is really just a GeoJson with var countries = added to it, something along these lines:

var countries = {
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
        { "type": "Feature"

It’s a straightforward solution and it works perfectly with small amounts of data, but since it’s a client-side solution it’s heavy on the browser when dealing with bigger data sets. Still, it may be useful for those who may be looking for a simple way to style a simplified world map or a limited map area on the fly.


A more performant solution is to use a tile server. The example below implements t-rex, with canvas renderer L.canvas.tile in the rendererFactory option instead of L.svg.tile and protobuf:

  var lines = "{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf";
  var multilinestrings = "{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf";
  var multipolygons = "{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf";

  var vectorTileStyling = {
      lines: {
          weight: .8,
          fillColor: this.colors[1],
          color: this.colors[1],
          fillOpacity: .8,
          opacity: .8
      multilinestrings: {
          weight: .8,
          fillColor: this.colors[2],
          color: this.colors[2],
          fillOpacity: .8,
          opacity: .8
      multipolygons: {
          fill: true,
          weight: .8,
          fillColor: this.colors[3],
          color: this.colors[3],
          fillOpacity: .8,
          opacity: .8,

  var externalVectorTileOptions = {
      rendererFactory: L.canvas.tile,
      vectorTileLayerStyles: vectorTileStyling,
      maxZoom: 16,
      minZoom: 14
  L.vectorGrid.protobuf(lines, externalVectorTileOptions).addTo(map);
  L.vectorGrid.protobuf(multilinestrings, externalVectorTileOptions).addTo(map);
  L.vectorGrid.protobuf(multipolygons, externalVectorTileOptions).addTo(map);

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