[Fixed]-Changing output of ajax function depending of value of json object


it’s a little odd that the json object property is different between calls. but, with that in mind… here you go

success: function (data) {
        if(data.green === "green"){
        if(data.red === "red"){
        if(data.default === "default"){


If you have control over the structure of your JSON object outputted by the Django function I’d suggest to form the JSON in a way that lets you keep the key fixed and the value variable, in your case the key would be color and the variable would be one between green, red and default

{color: 'green||red||default'};

and then in your AJAX function just switch(data.color) like this:

 case "red": $('#yourDiv').addClass('red');break;
 case "green": $('#yourDiv').addClass('green'); break;
 default: $('#yourDiv').addClass('default'); break;

If you cannot choose how to build you JSON then you can just use some if statements

if(data.green === "green"){
if(data.red === "red"){
if(data.default === "default"){

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