[Django]-Changing models in django results in broken database?


Django does not perform database migration for you, i.e., if you add new fields, Django won’t modify your database schema.

You can either:

  1. Drop the tables that changed and perform syncdb again. This is reasonnable when you are developing your application and you don’t have any real data in your database.
  2. Use a migration tool like South that performs database migration (like hibernate update script).
  3. Edit the database by hand and add/delete the appropriate fields for the previously existing tables.


For me, (so long as you’re doing this with test data, and not doing this in a production environ) it’s alot easier to just blow away the test.db and do a new ./manage.py syncdb. Just food for thought…


Just to expand on @Barthelemy’s answer, there are several Django migration tools:

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