[Vuejs]-Changes applied to v-model does not trigger writable computed methods


TL,DR; Two issues need addressing to make your code work:

  • you haven’t declared vModelTimeSeriesAgo as a prop
  • it’s not clear why you’re using type="radio".

A. Declare the prop

In order for v-model:something="whatever" to work, you need to declare something as a prop and the emit in the child component. 1


<some-child v-model:something="whatever" />


export default {
  props: ['something'], 
  emits: ['update:something']
<input :value="something" @input="$emit('update:something', $event.target.value)" />

Alternatively, you can define a local computed in child:

import { emit } from 'vue'
export default {
  props: ['something'],
  emits: ['update:something'],
  computed: {
    localSomething: {
      get() { return this.something },
      set(val) { emit('update:something', val)


export default {
  props: ['something'],
  emits: ['update:something'],
  setup(props, { emit }) {
    const localSomething = computed({
      get() { return props.something },
      set(val) { emit('update:something', val) }
    return { localSomething }


<script setup>
const props = defineProps(['something'])
const emit = defineEmits(['update:something'])
const localSomething = computed({
  get() { return props.something },
  set(val) { emit('update:something', val) }

and use with v-model:

<input v-model="localSomething" />

Now changing the input value in child component will update the parent whatever.

1 – The implicit v-model variable name is modelValue (when used as <some-child v-model="whatever" />. But you still need to declare the prop and the emit:

  props: ['modelValue'],
  emits: ['update:modelValue']

B. Why are you using type="radio"?

All of the above apply to <input type="text" />. At this point, it’s not clear to me why you’re using type="radio" with only one option.

Radio buttons are typically used with multiple input elements all sharing the same v-model, each having a different value. When one of them is clicked, the v-model gets the value from that input and the previously selected radio inputs from the same group get unselected.

In the above example, using Options API, a child component would look something like this:

export default {
  data: () => ({
    values: ['One', 'Two', 'Three']
  props: ['something'],
  emits: ['update:something'],
  computed: {
    localSomething: {
      get() {
        return this.something
      set(val) {
        this.$emit('update:something', val)
  <label v-for="item in values" :key="item">
    <input v-model="localSomething" type="radio" :value="item" />{{ item }}

Demo. And same, in <script setup>.

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