[Vuejs]-Change the color theme of the app in Vuex using the Store


You can bind class names dynamically in vue and as you appear to only have two options you could use a ternary expression to determine which class is bound. As you are already getting your language name from your store you could use that to determine the class. Something like this:

  <div v-bind:class="[language.name === 'en' ? englishClass : russianClass]">
    <h1> {{ language && title && title[language.name] }} </h1>
    const ABOUT_DIC = {
       title: {
         en: 'About',
         ru: 'Компания'
     export default {
        name: 'about',
        data () {
           return { 
             title: ABOUT_DIC.title, 
             englishClass: 'blue',
             russianClass: 'green'
        computed: {
            language() {
               return this.$store.state.language.current; }
<style scoped>
  .blue {
    background-color: blue;
  .green {
    background-color: green;

And obviously you can have any styling you want in the blue or green class. The vue.js docs on this are here

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