[Fixed]-Change request.GET QueryDict values


You can’t change the request.GET or request.POST as they are instances of QueryDict which are immutable according to the docs:

QueryDict instances are immutable, unless you create a copy() of them. That means you can’t change attributes of request.POST and request.GET directly.


Your code should work if you add one little step: you are now making a copy of the request.GET, but you have not assigned it back to the request. So it is just a standalone object which is not related to the request in any way.

This would the the necessary improvement:

tempdict = self.request.GET.copy()
tempdict['state'] = ['XYZ',]
tempdict['ajaxtype'] = ['facet',]
self.request.GET = tempdict  # this is the added line

I have tested it in writing custom middleware, but I assume it works the same way in all places.

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