Please read up on Conditional Rendering in Vue.js.
You can have a boolean variable in the data compartment of your script tag and change it on click.
And in the tags put v-if="your_bool_variable"
<div id="vue-app" v-if="layout_switch">
<a href="#">link to layout 2</a>
<div class="col-12">starting layout </div>
// after the user click the link (v-on:click) the layout change
<div id="vue-app" v-else>
<a href="#">link to layout 1</a>
// layout change
<div class="col-6">new layout </div>
<div class="col-6">new layout </div>
Negate the boolean variable at the @click
Data could look like the following:
export default {
name: "YourComponent",
data: () => {
return {
layout_switch: true
methods: {
changeLayout() {
this.layout_switch = !this.layout_switch;