celerybeat will just schecdule task, wont execute it.
To execute task you need to also start worker. You can start celery beat as well as worker together.
I use “celeryd -B”
In your case it should look like:
/usr/local/myapp/src/manage.py celery worker –beat
–schedule=/tmp/celerybeat-schedule-myapp –pidfile=/tmp/celerybeat-myapp.pid –loglevel=INFO
/usr/local/myapp/src/manage.py celeryd -B
–schedule=/tmp/celerybeat-schedule-myapp –pidfile=/tmp/celerybeat-myapp.pid –loglevel=INFO
We recently upgraded from celery 4 to celery 5.
Apparently the -l
flag has been removed, or re-named?
Works in celery4, but not celery 5:
celery -A pm -l info beat
Remove -l
celery -A pm beat
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