[Django]-Celery tasks vanishing – Django/Celery



The task.delay() is asynchronous. BTW, the whole AMQP thing is about making tasks asynchronous. If you want synchronous behavior, what is the point of using celery?

from celery.decorators import task

def add(x, y, results):
    results.append(x + y)

from core.tasks import add

results = []

for i in range(100):
    add.delay(i, i, results)

Wait a few seconds before printing (while the consumers do their work) and be aware that results may came up out of order.

Method task.delay will return a celery.result.AsyncResult instance. Before using AsyncResult.result you should check for AsyncResult.state == SUCCESS.

Your final print loop could be:

for result in results:
    while not result.state.ready():
    if result.state == u'SUCCESS':
        print result.result
        print "Something Rotten in the State of Denmark..."

This is (almost) the same as:

for result in results:
    print result.get()

Look at TaskSets, they are better than storing results in a list.

In practice people store results in the database and place the wait loop in the client that will then hammer the server via AJAX every few seconds until completion.

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