[Answered ]-Celery Task never runs in django


Running Periodic Tasks

I’m not sure what you’ve tried so far, or what your settings.py file looks like but here are some ways to get djcelery to run scheduled tasks.

1) In your tasks.py, create a task and use the celery.decorators.periodic_task decorator. e.g.

from celery.task.schedules import crontab   
from celery.decorators import periodic_task 

@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=”*”, minute=”*”, day_of_week=”*”)) 
def a_periodic_task(): 
        print “Hello World!”


def a_periodic_task(): 
        print “Hello World!”

2) In your celery.conf file use the CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE setting like so:

from datetime import timedelta

    "runs-every-30-seconds": {
        "task": "tasks.add",
        "schedule": timedelta(seconds=30),
        "args": (16, 16)

You can read more about this in the periodic task documentation.

Though please remeber that you must start celery in beat mode by:

python manage.py celeryd -B

And also check you’ve done all the installation steps including adding djcelery to your INSTALLED_APPS and running python manage.py syncdb (or python manage.py migrate djcelery if you’re using south)


The celery documentation has a great section on daemonising your celery processes for deployment including an example django configuration for beat mode.

From the Docs:

# Where the Django project is.

# Name of the projects settings module.
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="settings"

# Path to celerybeat
CELERYBEAT="/opt/Project/manage.py celerybeat"

# Extra arguments to celerybeat

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