Celery does set some default keyword arguments if the task accepts them.
(you can accept them by either using **kwargs, or list them specifically)
def do_job(path, task_id=None):
cache.set(task_id, operation_results)
The list of default keyword arguments is documented here:
UPDATE: use Balthazar’s answer for Celery 3.1+
def do_job(self, path):
cache.set(self.request.id, operation_results)
Feel free to upvote his answer.
Old answer:
Since Celery 2.2.0, information related to the currently executed task is saved to task.request
(it’s called «the context»). So you should get task id from this context (not from keyword arguments, which are deprecated):
def do_job(path):
cache.set(do_job.request.id, operation_results)
The list of all available fields is documented here:
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As of celery 3.1, you can use the bind
decorator argument, and have access to the current request:
def do_job(self, path):
cache.set(self.request.id, operation_results)
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