The problem is that the signal receiver isn’t getting registered. The celery workers run in their own process so the signal connections need to be made in that process. If you know what they are or can discover them, you can register them during task initialization using this technique.
Of course, that eliminates some of the benefit of using signals in the first place because you need to know the connections in advance.
One idea is to assume that the signal receivers will always register in the models module of each app. In which case the following will work.
class CalculateTask(celery.Task):
def __init__(self):
from django.conf import settings
for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
app_models = '{}.{}'.format(app,'models')
__import__(app_models, globals=globals())
def run(self, input):
result = input * 2
if result > 4:
return result
You can use the celeryd_init signal to initialize your workers and signals
Based on what you provided, I’ve tested with:
from celery.signals import celeryd_init
from celery.utils.dispatch import Signal
def process_result(result, *args, **kwargs):
print "signals received: %s" % result
result_higher_then_four = Signal()
def init_signals(*args, **kwargs):
def calculate(self, input):
result = input * 2
if result > 4:
result_higher_then_four.send(result=result, sender=self)
return result
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