Attributeerror: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘contrib’

When encountering the error “AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘contrib’”, it means that you are trying to access a module or attribute in TensorFlow that does not exist. In TensorFlow versions 2.0 and above, the ‘contrib’ package has been removed, causing such errors when trying to use modules from that package. To resolve this … Read more

Cannot be provided without an @provides-annotated method.

Cannot be provided without an @provides-annotated method. This error message typically occurs in dependency injection frameworks, such as Dagger or Guice, when the requested dependency cannot be provided by the container. It indicates that there is no module or component that has a method annotated with the @Provides annotation that can fulfill the requested dependency. … Read more

Invalid frame dimension (negative or non-finite)

In HTML, the dimensions of an element can be specified using various attributes like width, height, margin, padding, etc. These dimensions can accept positive numerical values, zero, or certain percentage values relative to the parent element. However, there are certain restrictions on the values that can be used as dimensions. An “invalid frame dimension” typically … Read more

Invalid fill method. expecting pad (ffill) or backfill (bfill). got linear

The error message “invalid fill method. expecting pad (ffill) or backfill (bfill). got linear” indicates that the fill method used is not correct. When specifying a fill method, it should be either “pad” (ffill) or “backfill” (bfill), but in this case, “linear” was used instead. The fill method is often used in data manipulation to … Read more

Attributeerror: module ‘cv2.aruco’ has no attribute ‘drawaxis’

Error: AttributeError: module ‘cv2.aruco’ has no attribute ‘drawAxis’ This error occurs when trying to call the “drawAxis” function from the cv2.aruco module in OpenCV, but the function does not exist or is not accessible in the current version of OpenCV being used. The “drawAxis” function is used to draw a 3D coordinate axis on a … Read more

Task ‘wrapper’ not found in project ‘:app’.

Error: task ‘wrapper’ not found in project ‘:app’. This error message indicates that the build.gradle file for the ‘app’ module in your project does not contain a task called ‘wrapper’. The ‘wrapper’ task is typically used to generate the Gradle wrapper files, which are necessary for executing Gradle builds without requiring a locally installed Gradle … Read more

Attributeerror: ‘worksheet’ object has no attribute ‘set_column’

The error message “AttributeError: ‘worksheet’ object has no attribute ‘set_column’” is raised when you are trying to use the method “set_column()” on a ‘worksheet’ object in Python but this method is not available for this object. The “set_column()” method is generally used in libraries like ‘openpyxl’ or ‘xlsxwriter’ to adjust the width of columns in … Read more