[Solved]-Model "help" text in Django Inline Admin

4👍 If you’re not talking about specific help_text attribute then then look at this post it shows an underdocumented way of accomplishing this. 👤Glyn Jackson Is django's ORM thread safe? 3👍 If you don’t want to mess around with getting the help_text information into the formset’s context and modify the edit_inline template, there is a … Read more

[Solved]-Save() got an unexpected keyword argument 'commit' Django Error

7👍 ✅ You are not sub classing django.forms.ModelForm, yet, you are writing your code like you are. You need to subclass ModelForm (which has the save method with the commit argument). Calling super will not work either, as the super class has no save method with that argument. Remove the commit=False it will never work … Read more

[Solved]-When posting to my Django API : errorcom.google.gson.JsonParseException: unable to parse json

1👍 ✅ You are missing your views.py code here, but I am guessing you are using ListCreateAPIView out of the box. It turns out that django rest framework does not support automatically creating nested objects out of the box, so you’ll need to add your own code to address that functionality. There is good documentation … Read more