Laravel Undefined Array Key 0

When you get the error “Laravel undefined array key 0”, it means that you are trying to access an element of an array using an index that does not exist. This can happen if the array is empty or if you are trying to access an index that is out of bounds. To better understand … Read more

Laravel There Is No Active Transaction

Answer: When working with Laravel, you can handle transactions to ensure the integrity of your database operations. Transactions allow you to group multiple database queries into a single unit of work that either succeeds completely or fails entirely. This can be useful when you want to make sure that a set of related queries either … Read more

Laravel Target Class [Translator] Does Not Exist.

Error Message: Target class [translator] does not exist. Explanation: This error message typically occurs in Laravel when you are trying to use the Translator class or the __() helper function to translate strings, but Laravel cannot find the Translator class. The Translator class is part of Laravel’s localization system, which allows you to easily manage … Read more

Laravel Storage 403 Forbidden

In Laravel, the “403 Forbidden” error in relation to storage generally occurs when the web server does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested storage files or directories. To resolve this issue, you can take the following steps: Make sure the storage directory has proper permissions. The directory should be writable and readable … Read more

Laravel Share Session Between Subdomains

To share sessions between subdomains in Laravel, you need to make a few configuration changes in your project. First, update your `.env` file and set the `SESSION_DOMAIN` variable to the base domain of your project. For example, if your main domain is ``, set it as follows: Next, you need to update the `config/session.php` … Read more

Laravel Set Session Expire Time Dynamically

Setting Session Expire Time Dynamically in Laravel: In Laravel, you can set the session expire time dynamically by modifying the “lifetime” value in the session configuration file. Normally, the lifetime value is defined in the “config/session.php” file as a fixed number of minutes. To set the session expire time dynamically, you can modify the “lifetime” … Read more

Laravel Session Lost After Redirect

Laravel session data can be lost after a redirect due to a few reasons. Let’s discuss them and provide examples for better understanding. 1. Improper Configuration Make sure your config/session.php file has the correct configuration settings. The default driver should be set to “file”, which stores session data on the server’s file system. ‘driver’ => … Read more

Laravel Self Join

Laravel provides a powerful feature called “Self Join” which allows you to join a table with itself. Self join is used when you want to combine rows from a table with other rows from the same table. To explain it further, let’s consider an example: Employees Table Structure: id name supervisor_id 1 John 2 2 … Read more

Laravel Sanitize Filename

Laravel Sanitize Filename: In Laravel, you can sanitize filenames using the Laravel Str class which provides various string manipulation methods. To sanitize a filename, you can use the slug method to convert the filename into a URL-friendly string. Here’s an example of sanitizing a filename using Laravel: use Illuminate\Support\Str; $filename = ‘image with spaces.jpg’; $sanitizedFilename … Read more

Laravel Sanctum Vs Jwt

Laravel Sanctum vs JWT Laravel Sanctum and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are two popular authentication mechanisms in Laravel. Let’s explore the differences between them and provide examples to understand their usage. Laravel Sanctum Laravel Sanctum is a lightweight package provided by Laravel for API authentication. It uses Laravel’s built-in session authentication to authenticate API requests. … Read more