Flutter upgrade dart sdk

Flutter Upgrade Dart SDK To upgrade the Dart SDK in your Flutter project, follow the steps outlined below: Step 1: Check Current Dart SDK Version Before upgrading, it’s always a good practice to check the current Dart SDK version used in your Flutter project. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project’s … Read more

Flutter update app without play store

How to Update a Flutter App without the Play Store Updating a Flutter app without using the Play Store involves a few steps. Here’s a detailed explanation with examples: Step 1: Obtain an APK file First, you need to generate an APK file of your updated app. This can be done by running the following … Read more

Flutter unused import

Unused Import in Flutter When developing a Flutter application, it is common to import packages and libraries to add functionality to the project. However, sometimes developers may inadvertently import packages that are not being used in their codebase. These unused imports can clutter the code and may increase the app’s size and build time. It … Read more

Flutter unresolved class ‘{applicationname}’

“`html When encountering the error “unresolved class ‘{applicationname}’”, it means that the class with the specified name cannot be found or imported in your Flutter application. To resolve this issue, you need to make sure that you have correctly imported the necessary packages and libraries in your application. Here are a few steps you can … Read more

Flutter unexpected null value

Flutter – Unexpected null value In Flutter, encountering unexpected null values can occur when a variable is not properly initialized or when an asynchronous operation returns null. Possible Causes Variable not initialized Async operation returning null Solutions 1. Variable not initialized If you encounter null values due to uninitialized variables, make sure you initialize them … Read more

Flutter uint8list to string

To convert a Flutter `Uint8List` to a string, you can use the `base64` library. Here’s an example along with an explanation: import ‘dart:convert’; import ‘package:flutter/widgets.dart’; import ‘dart:typed_data’; void main() { Uint8List bytes = Uint8List.fromList([97, 98, 99, 100]); // Example Uint8List String encodedString = base64Encode(bytes); // Conversion to base64-encoded string print(encodedString); // Outputs: “YWJjZA==” Uint8List decodedBytes … Read more

Flutter transparent image

Flutter Transparent Image To use a transparent image in your Flutter app, you can follow the steps below: Create an assets/ directory in your Flutter project root folder (if it doesn’t exist). Place your transparent image file (e.g., image.png) inside the assets/ directory. Open the pubspec.yaml file located at the root of your project. Add … Read more

Flutter togglebuttons full width

Flutter ToggleButtons Full Width To create Flutter ToggleButtons that span the full width, you can make use of the Expanded widget along with the ListView widget. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(‘ToggleButtons Full Width’), ), body: … Read more

Flutter timer background

Flutter Timer in Background To run a timer in the background using Flutter, you can utilize the background_fetch plugin. This plugin allows you to execute Dart code in the background on both Android and iOS devices. Step 1: Add Dependencies In order to use background_fetch plugin, you need to add it to your pubspec.yaml file. … Read more

Flutter three dot icon

Flutter Three Dot Icon Flutter provides different ways to implement a three-dot (also known as an overflow) icon. The three-dot icon is commonly used to indicate additional options or actions in an app’s user interface. Method 1: Using the IconButton Widget One way to implement the three-dot icon is by using the IconButton widget provided … Read more