Chartjs-Why is there an error in ChartJs.Blazor (change in ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT)

0👍 Are you sure you didn’t add it inside an <environment> HTML tag? Example: <environment exclude="Production"> <script src="_content/ChartJs.Blazor/ChartJsBlazorInterop.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> </environment> Reference: Chartjs-How to open a new Tab with javascript and display some chart

Check if element exists before trying to call getContext

👍:0 See Document.getElementById(). That returns null if an element with the specified ID is not found. You could do something like this: var chart = document.getElementById(“line-unfilled-chartjs”); var ctx; if (chart) { ctx = chart.getContext(“2d”); // do something with context } else { // handle no chart } How do you create an extension to Chart.js? … Read more

Javascript: Showing bedtimes in Chart.js

👍:0 When you convert your integer representation of time to “minutes since midnight”, then 2230 lies right in the middle of 2200 and 2300. var getMinutesSinceMidnight = function(time){ var hours = Math.floor(time/100); var minutes = time%100; return hours*60 + minutes; } getMinutesSinceMidnight(2200) //returns 1320 getMinutesSinceMidnight(2230) //returns 1350 getMinutesSinceMidnight(2300) //returns 1380 You can use these values … Read more