Difference Between Asp.Net Web Forms and Mvc

 ASP.NET MVC is a completely different framework from ASP.NET Web Forms and both Frameworks have their own features and drawbacks. When we need fast development, we can normally use ASP.NET Web Forms, whereas for Large Scale Enterprise Applications we should always use ASP.NET MVC. I just want to let you know that Web Forms-based Web … Read more

characteristics and features of asp net framework

 Microsoft designed ASP.NET 1.0 as a completely new Web Application Development Framework. So although a web application created using ASP.NET was a completely HTML / CSS based web application, these applications were designed in exactly the same way as using the Visual Basic Programming Language. Forms of desktop applications were designed by the drag-and-drop technique. … Read more

How to use AJAX in asp net Web form

 Whether we like it or not, but the requirements change over time and the Web for Developers and Architects changes with the requirements and this time the AJAX technology has been developed to make changes to the Web, Rich Internet Applications and Rich User Experience is being used as the main technology to develop. The … Read more