If you have authentication enabled, make sure you set appropriate RF for keyspace system_auth
(should be equal to number of nodes).
Secondly, make sure the user you have created has following permissions on all keyspaces. {'ALTER', 'CREATE', 'DROP', 'MODIFY', 'SELECT'}
. If you have the user as a superuser make sure you add 'AUTHORIZE'
as a permission along with the ones listed above for that user.
Thirdly, you can set off a read-repair job for all the data in system_auth
keyspace by running CONSISTENCY ALL;
SELECT * from system_auth.users ;
SELECT * from system_auth.permissions ;
SELECT * from system_auth.credentials ;
Hope this will resolve the issue !
Is the system_auth
keyspace RF the same as the amount of nodes? Did you try to run a repair on the system_auth
keyspace already? If not do so.
For me it sounds like a consistency issue.
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