Try this:
<div id="carousel2">
<el-carousel :interval="4000" type="card">
// If background color
<el-carousel-item v-for="item in twoItems" :key="item" :style="{ backgroundColor : item.bgColor }">
// If background image
<el-carousel-item v-for="item in twoItems" :key="item" :style="{backgroundImage : `url(${ $item.bgImg })`}">
And your data in script:
export default {
data() {
return {
twoItems: [
{ title: 'Item One', bgColor: 'red', bgImg: 'lorem.jpg' },
{ title: 'Item Two', bgColor: 'blue', bgImg: 'ipsum.jpg' },
If you only need to set backgroundColor, then you can set in the style like
.el-carousel__item:nth-child(n) {
background-color: green;
also you can finish it with vue
<el-carousel-item :style="{ background: 'green' }" v-if="item === 1"></el-carousel-item>