[Vuejs]-Cant set ID value for a <span> tag inside a <th v-for="" >tag



you can try :id="heading.field"


id of your span is not binding dynamically, you have to use v-bind: or : to that’s id to use it in way what you want:

Look at example:

<table class="APPPPTable" style="width:100%;font-size:11px;">
        <th v-for="heading in tableInfo.columns" class="text-center">
            <span :id="heading.field" v-html="heading.label"></span>


<span id="heading.field"> -> <span v-bind:id="heading.field">

 <table class="APPPPTable" style="width:100%;font-size:11px;">
        <th v-for="heading in tableInfo.columns" class="text-center">
            <span v-bind:id="heading.field" v-html="heading.label"></span>

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