[Vuejs]-Cannot use Vuex to fetch data for all components



you’ve made some good progress. Next steps are to follow the proper flow in Vuex for “updating” your store. In your App.vue you have your getData() method that ultimately does a fetch() and you attempt to set your store data using this.$store.state.senator = this.senatorA. This is not correct. You should follow Vuex’s one way data flow structure.

Vuex One Way Data Flow

You are attempting to directly change the state without first committing your changes to a mutation, which then directly affects the state. I know this may seem like much, even Evan You (creator of Vue) has said he would like to simplify.

Instead of doing this.$store.state.senator = this.senatorA, first you should perform a Vuex dispatch like so, this.$store.dispatch('storeActionFunction', this.senatorA).

Inside of your Vuex Store files, you should have an “Action” (function) that would then call a commit. Your commit may look something like commit('SET_SENATAOR_SOMETHING', data). data would represent your this.senatorA that was passed along via the dispatch.

The commit() has 2 params… the Mutation name you are targeting and the data you want to pass along. Then you would have a section in your Vuex store where you specify your Mutations. A mutation titled 'SET_SENATAOR_SOMETHING' would then take the data passed into it and do something like… state.senator = data.

Boom. Done. Seems like a lot, it is, but that’s how it works. If you want to see some example files I have a project linked below, but my project is abstracted out to a larger degree than what you’re looking to do.

State: https://github.com/rebz/vue-meetup-interfaces/blob/master/resources/js/store/modules/people/state.js

Dispatch: https://github.com/rebz/vue-meetup-interfaces/blob/master/resources/js/views/people/layouts/layout.vue

Action: https://github.com/rebz/vue-meetup-interfaces/blob/master/resources/js/store/modules/people/actions.js

Mutation: https://github.com/rebz/vue-meetup-interfaces/blob/master/resources/js/store/modules/people/mutations.js

Getters: https://github.com/rebz/vue-meetup-interfaces/blob/master/resources/js/store/modules/people/getters.js

Access Data w/ { mapGetters } (not required): https://github.com/rebz/vue-meetup-interfaces/blob/master/resources/js/views/people/index.vue

Hope this helps!

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