Cannot resolve reference to bean ‘mongotemplate’ while setting bean property ‘mongooperations’


This error occurs when Spring cannot find the bean with the name “mongotemplate”. It means that the necessary configuration for MongoTemplate is missing or incorrect in the Spring application context.

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the MongoTemplate bean is defined in your application context XML or Java configuration file. The MongoTemplate is responsible for communicating with the MongoDB server and performing database operations.

Here’s an example of how to configure the MongoTemplate bean using Java configuration:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class AppConfig {

    public MongoClientFactoryBean mongo() {
        MongoClientFactoryBean mongo = new MongoClientFactoryBean();
        // other MongoDB configuration properties
        return mongo;

    public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception {
        MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = new MongoTemplate(mongo().getObject(), "myDatabase");
        return mongoTemplate;

In this example, we define a MongoClientFactoryBean bean to create a connection to the MongoDB server. The host property is set to “localhost”, but you can modify it to match your MongoDB server configuration.

The MongoTemplate bean is created using the mongo() bean and the name of the target database (“myDatabase” in this case).

By defining these beans in your configuration, Spring will be able to resolve the “mongotemplate” bean and inject it properly wherever it is required.

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