Cannot resolve reference to bean ‘cassandratemplate’ while setting bean property ‘cassandratemplate’

The error “cannot resolve reference to bean ‘cassandratemplate’ while setting bean property ‘cassandratemplate'” occurs when the Spring framework is unable to find a bean with the name ‘cassandratemplate’ while initializing or autowiring dependencies.

In order to resolve this error, you need to make sure that the ‘cassandratemplate’ bean is defined and declared correctly in your Spring configuration file (usually applicationContext.xml) or through annotations if you are using Java-based configuration.

Here are some examples illustrating how to define and declare the ‘cassandratemplate’ bean:

XML Configuration:

<!-- applicationContext.xml -->
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="cassandratemplate" class="">
        <property name="session" ref="cassandraSession"/>

    <bean id="cassandraSession" class="">
        <property name="contactPoints" value="localhost"/>
        <!-- other session properties -->


Java Configuration:

public class AppConfig {

    public CassandraTemplate cassandraTemplate() {
        CassandraTemplate cassandraTemplate = new CassandraTemplate();
        return cassandraTemplate;

    public Session cassandraSession() {
        // create and configure Cassandra session
        return session;


In these examples, the ‘cassandratemplate’ bean is defined as an instance of the ‘CassandraTemplate’ class, which requires a ‘session’ property to be set. The ‘cassandratemplate’ bean is either created directly or obtained from another bean named ‘cassandraSession’.

Make sure that your code and configuration match these examples and that the necessary libraries for Spring and Cassandra are properly included in your project. By doing so, the error should be resolved.

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