Look at the actual data coming back from your API. It is not an array
"data": {
"totalSamplesTested": "535733",
"totalConfirmedCases": 59345,
"totalActiveCases": 7464,
"discharged": 50768,
"death": 1113,
"states": [/* lots of data here */]
I suggest you display the data you want by its key
<li>{{ blogs.totalSamplesTested }}</li>
<li>{{ blogs.totalConfirmedCases}}</li>
<li>{{ blogs.totalActiveCases}}</li>
<li>{{ blogs.discharged}}</li>
<li>{{ blogs.death}}</li>
If you still want to iterate the data and skip states
, create a computed property that returns everything with states
omitted and iterate that
<li v-for="stat in stats" :key="stat.key">
{{ stat.label }}: {{ stat.dataPoint }}
data: () => ({
blogs: {} // 👈 an empty object, not an array
computed: {
stats: ({ blogs }) => {
const { states, ...stats } = blogs
return Object.entries(stats).map(([ key, dataPoint ]) => ({
label: `${key[0].toUpperCase()}${key.slice(1).replace(/[A-Z]/g, " $&")}`