Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘usestate’)

When you encounter the error “cannot read properties of null (reading ‘usestate’)” in your code, it means that you are trying to access the property ‘useState’ on an object or variable that is null or undefined. The error occurs because ‘useState’ is a function provided by the React library to manage state in functional components, and it can only be used on valid objects or variables.

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the object or variable you are trying to access ‘useState’ on is not null or undefined. Here are a few possible scenarios and their solutions:

  1. Scenario 1: Forgetting to initialize a variable or object before using ‘useState’.

                   // Incorrect
                   let myVariable;
                   const [state, setState] = useState('');
                   // Correct
                   let myVariable = '';
                   const [state, setState] = useState('');

    In this scenario, the variable ‘myVariable’ is not initialized or assigned any value before using ‘useState’. To fix this, you need to initialize the variable with a valid value before using ‘useState’.

  2. Scenario 2: Using ‘useState’ outside of a functional component.

                   // Incorrect
                   class MyComponent extends React.Component {
                      const [state, setState] = useState('');
                      // ...
                   // Correct
                   function MyComponent() {
                      const [state, setState] = useState('');
                      // ...

    In this scenario, ‘useState’ is mistakenly used inside a class component instead of a functional component. ‘useState’ can only be used in functional components, not in class components. To fix this, you need to convert the class component to a functional component and use ‘useState’ accordingly.

  3. Scenario 3: Referencing a null or undefined variable or object.

                   // Incorrect
                   const myObject = null;
                   const [state, setState] = myObject.useState('');
                   // Correct
                   const myObject = {};
                   const [state, setState] = myObject.useState('');

    In this scenario, the variable ‘myObject’ is null or undefined, and you are trying to access ‘useState’ on it. To fix this, you need to ensure that the variable or object is properly initialized and not null or undefined before using ‘useState’ on it.

These are some common scenarios that may lead to the “cannot read properties of null (reading ‘usestate’)” error. However, depending on your specific code, there could be other reasons as well. It’s important to carefully review your code and identify the exact location and cause of the error to apply the appropriate fix.


         import React, { useState } from 'react';
         function MyComponent() {
            const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
            const increaseCount = () => {
               setCount(count + 1);
            return (

Count: {count}

); }

In this example, we have a functional component called MyComponent. We use the ‘useState’ function provided by React to initialize a state variable ‘count’ with an initial value of 0. We also define a function ‘increaseCount’ that updates the ‘count’ state by incrementing it. Inside the component’s render, we display the ‘count’ value and provide a button that triggers the ‘increaseCount’ function onClick. This example demonstrates the correct usage of ‘useState’ within a functional component.

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