[Django]-Cannot query "": Must be "" instance


The uploaded_by field refers to a MyProfile model, not a User model. You can change the query to:

user_posts = MyPost.objects.filter(

So by using double underscores (__) we look “through” a relation, and we thus look for MyPost objects where the uploaded_by is a MyProfile with as user a reference to the request.user object.

If you want to display content of the user with the pk in the path:

path('myprofile/<int:pk>', views.MyProfileDetailView.as_view()),

you can replace this with:

user_posts = MyPost.objects.filter(

given the pk is the profile id; or:

user_posts = MyPost.objects.filter(

if the pk refers to the user id.

Or you can make use of self.object:

user_posts = self.object.mypost_set.order_by('-cr_date')

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