Cannot infer type arguments for responseentity<>


When encountering the error “cannot infer type arguments for ResponseEntity<>” in Java, it means that the compiler is unable to determine the specific type being used for the ResponseEntity. This typically happens when using a generic type without specifying the type argument.

In order to resolve this error, you need to provide the appropriate type argument for the ResponseEntity. The type argument represents the type of the response body being returned.

Here’s an example to illustrate this:

// Assuming you are handling a GET request and returning a String as the response body
public ResponseEntity example() {
    String responseBody = "This is an example response";
    return ResponseEntity.ok(responseBody);

In the above example, we are using “String” as the type argument for the ResponseEntity. This indicates that the response body will be of type String. By specifying the type argument, we are enabling the compiler to infer the proper type for the ResponseEntity and resolve the error.

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