[Answered ]-Cannot import name import_by_path


The docs state that import_by_path is new in Django 1.6, while the question mentions Django 1.3.1. Perhaps you have both versions installed? Check all directories on Python path.


import_by_path is deprecated from Django 1.7
So this is actually because of bug in the way that Django versions are detected:

    if django.get_version() >= "1.7":
        from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
        from django.utils.module_loading import import_by_path as import_string

will not work for Django >= 1.10 because of the lexical compare.

need to edit and fork the library or in your local env you can change as follows:

Edit site-packages/omnibus/management/commands/omnibusd.py

from django.utils.module_loading import import_string as import_by_path

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