Cannot import name ‘_gi’ from partially initialized module ‘gi’ (most likely due to a circular import)

Error: cannot import name ‘_gi’ from partially initialized module ‘gi’ (most likely due to a circular import)


This error occurs when there is a circular import in your code. A circular import occurs when a module imports another module that is in turn importing the first module, creating a loop.

Let’s consider the following example to better understand the issue:

      import module2
      def function1():
          print("Function 1")
      import module1
      def function2():
          print("Function 2")

In this example, module1 imports module2 and module2 imports module1. When this circular import situation arises, Python tries to initialize these modules but gets stuck in an infinite loop. As a result, the error message “cannot import name ‘_gi’ from partially initialized module ‘gi'” is displayed.

To resolve this issue, you need to refactor your code to remove the circular import. There are a few possible ways to do this:

  1. Reorganize your code and move the common functionality that both modules require into a separate module. Then import that common module into both module1 and module2. This way, the circular dependency is eliminated.
  2. If possible, you can also rework the logic to avoid the import dependency altogether. Consider if the imports are necessary and if the code structure can be simplified.
  3. If the circular import is unavoidable, you can import the required module inside the function or method where it is needed rather than at the top of the file. This lazy import can help break the circular dependency.

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