[Django]-Cannot get MEDIA_URL from Django widget's template


Actually the correct way to do this is using Widget Media.

When defining your widget, you should define a Media inner class in which you should include a CSS file in order to style your widget. In this case make the <a> tag not to display text and have a plus sign background image.

class MyWidget(TexInput):
  class Media:
    css = {
      'all': ('my_widget.css',)

If you really need to include the MEDIA_URL inside your rendered widget, I’d recommmend to import it directly from django.conf.settings and include settings.MEDIA_URL in your rendering context.

from django.conf import settings

class MyWidget(TextInput):
  def render(self):
    return render_to_string('my_widget.html', {
      'MEDIA_URL': settings.MEDIA_URL,


Context processors only get applied when you use a RequestContext.

Your render method should be something like:

from django.template import RequestContext

def render(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
    html = super(MySelectMultiple, self).render(name, *args, **kwargs)
    context = RequestContext({'field': name})
    plus = render_to_string("plus_sign.html", context)
    return html + plus

And, as was mentioned by @czarchaic, make sure the media context processor is in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS (it should be by default).

Docs link.



Make sure the context processor is being loaded in settings.py

    ...other processors,

It is loaded by default if you don’t specify TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, but if specified, the above processor must also be included.



I think we can do in this way, to pass the RequestContext, in order to access the MEDIA_URL without making another variable, and passing other variables at the 2nd parameter of the render_to_string method.

If we use:

context = RequestContext({'field': name})

The {{ field }} in the widget’s template is empty and not able to access.

Here is the block which can access the MEDIA_URL as well as the {{ field }}.
However, I agree using the inner Media class for complex javascript and CSS setting. However, for a simple image src path, I think this will do.

def render(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        html = super(SelectMultipleWithModalDialog, self).render(name, *args, **kwargs)        
        **context = RequestContext({})
        popup_plus = render_to_string("widgets/modal_dialog_plus_sign.html", {'field': name}, context_instance=context)**        
        return html + popup_plus

Please correct me if this is not the good way of doing it. Thanks for all participants of this thread.


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