Cannot find module ‘react-dev-utils/watchmissingnodemodulesplugin’

Error: cannot find module ‘react-dev-utils/watchmissingnodemodulesplugin’

This error occurs when the required module ‘react-dev-utils/watchmissingnodemodulesplugin’ cannot be found.

Possible Causes:

  • The module is missing or has not been installed properly.
  • There might be a conflict with the version of the module or other dependencies.


To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check if the required module is installed:
  2. npm ls react-dev-utils/watchmissingnodemodulesplugin

    This command will list the installed version of the module. If it is not listed, or if the output shows an error, it means the module is missing or not installed correctly.

  3. If the module is missing, install it:
  4. npm install react-dev-utils

    This command will install the ‘react-dev-utils’ module along with its required dependencies. Once the installation is complete, the missing module should be available.

  5. If the module is already installed, update it to the latest version:
  6. npm update react-dev-utils

    Updating the module can help resolve conflicts with other dependencies and ensure the latest version is being used.

  7. After installing or updating the module, restart your development environment to make sure the changes are applied.

Here’s an example of how the solution steps can be executed in a command prompt:

npm ls react-dev-utils/watchmissingnodemodulesplugin
    npm install react-dev-utils
    npm update react-dev-utils

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the ‘cannot find module’ error related to ‘react-dev-utils/watchmissingnodemodulesplugin’.

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