Cannot determine the frame size or a corrupted frame was received

Query: Cannot determine the frame size or a corrupted frame was received

This error message usually occurs when there is an issue with handling frames (or iframes) in a web page. Frames are used to divide a web page into multiple sections, each containing a separate HTML document. If the frame size cannot be determined or a corrupted frame is received, it means that there is an error in loading or displaying one of the frames.

There can be several reasons for this error. Let’s explore some of the common causes and provide examples:

1. Invalid or missing frame source

If the source of a frame is invalid or missing, the browser won’t be able to load the content properly. Ensure that the src attribute of the iframe tag points to a valid URL. For example:

      <iframe src=""></iframe>

2. Cross-origin frame access

If the frame source is hosted on a different domain or subdomain, you may encounter a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) issue. Make sure that the server hosting the frame content allows cross-origin requests by including the appropriate CORS headers.

For example, if your main page is hosted on and the frame source is on, the response from should include the following header:


3. Corrupted frame content

If the HTML document within the frame is malformed or contains errors, it may result in a corrupted frame. Carefully check the content of the frame for any syntax errors or missing tags.

4. Security restrictions

Web browsers have security measures in place to prevent certain actions within frames. If your frame attempts to execute restricted operations (such as accessing the parent window or modifying the top-level URL), it can lead to frame size determination issues. Ensure that your frame adheres to the browser’s security policies.

5. Network or server issues

Sometimes, the error could be caused by network problems or server-side issues. Check your network connection, and if the issue persists, investigate the server logs and ensure that the frame content is being served correctly.

By examining these possible causes and making the necessary changes to your code or server configuration, you should be able to resolve the “Cannot determine the frame size or a corrupted frame was received” error.

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