Cannot access defaults field of properties

The error message “cannot access defaults field of properties” typically occurs when trying to access a property’s “defaults” field that does not exist. This error is common when working with JavaScript frameworks and libraries that use a configuration or options object pattern.

In order to provide a detailed explanation, let’s consider an example using a hypothetical JavaScript library called “MyLibrary” that allows users to customize default values.

    // Creating the library
    const MyLibrary = {
      // Some default configuration options
      defaults: {
        option1: true,
        option2: 'default',
        option3: 42,
      // Method to perform some operation
      doSomething: function(options) {
        // Using default values if options are not provided
        const mergedOptions = {
        // Perform the operation using mergedOptions
    // Using the library
    MyLibrary.doSomething(); // Output: { option1: true, option2: 'default', option3: 42 }

In this example, the “MyLibrary” defines a “defaults” object that contains some default configuration options. The “doSomething” method accepts an “options” object as a parameter and merges it with the defaults using the JavaScript spread operator.

When calling the “doSomething” method without providing any options, it uses the default values specified in “defaults” and logs the merged options object to the console.

The error “cannot access defaults field of properties” may occur if the “defaults” field is referenced incorrectly. For example, if we try to access “MyLibrary.defaults” instead of “this.defaults” inside the “doSomething” method:

    doSomething: function(options) {
      const mergedOptions = {
        ...MyLibrary.defaults, // Incorrect access to defaults field

This would result in an error because “MyLibrary.defaults” does not exist; instead, we should use “this.defaults” to refer to the defaults field within the current object.

Ensure that the correct object context and property references are used to avoid the “cannot access defaults field of properties” error message.

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