[Django]-Can't get celery to do INFO logging the same way Django does it


For some reason, even if Celery is using then handlers you specify in Django’s logging settings, it still overrides the levels of the loggers. I’m now using this function to get a logger. With the logger set to the appropriate level, things seem to be working as expected.

import logging

from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger

def get_celery_logger(name):
    logger = get_task_logger(name)
    logger.level = logging.INFO
    return logger


First of all, if you use django-celery you can try it run as so:

./manage.py celeryd –loglevel=info

Secondly, if you use Celery >= 3.0 you must get logger object as:

from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger

logger = get_task_logger(__name__)

# and inside your function use
# logger instead logging
def test_logging():
    print('running test_logging')
    logger.info("Here's an info message", extra = {
        'tell_admins': True, 'email_content': 'Additional content'
    logger.error("Here's an error message")

If it would not work you also can try change LOGGIN object

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