[Answered ]-Can you Make a Django form set validate the initial data?


I can’t see how there can be any validation errors if the data just came straight out of the DB. However, it’s quite easy to do this – instead of passing the data in as initial, pass it as data, just as if it came from a POST.

formset = ArticleFormSet(data=my_data)

This sets the form as bound, and triggers validation.



formset = ArticleFormSet(data=my_data)

Very important, my_data should be a dict with this format

data = {
    'form-TOTAL_FORMS': u'2',
    'form-INITIAL_FORMS': u'2',
    'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': u'',
    'form-0-title': u'Test',
    'form-0-pub_date': u'1904-06-16',
    'form-1-title': u'Test',

form-TOTAL_FORMS and form-INITIAL_FORMS are mandatory!!!

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